The third industrial revolution and the digital age

French version


I had the chance, on Thursday December 4th 2014, to participate to a lunch, organised by a French consulting company named Weave. This lunch was led by Frédéric Simottel from BFM Business and Gilles Babinet invited to the lunch. Gilles Babinet is the Digital Champion, representing France to the European Commission. Gilles was the first president of the National Digital Council, French organization set up by Nicolas Sarkozy, President of France at that time. As part of this lunch, Gilles Babinet, developed themes of his book “The digital era, a new age of humanity“.

Indeed, in the 18th century, the invention of the steam engine, starting with prototypes, produced in the 16th century, leads to the first industrial revolution. This revolution is characterized by the mass production of products, more and more sophisticated, and makes possible the industrialization of increasingly complex processes, in all sectors of activity (goods production, transport, …). In the 19th century, mining large quantities of oil, and the invention of internal combustion engines and electric motors using electricity produced from coal, results in the second industrial revolution, with power machines, which completely change the functioning of the economy and boosting the exchanges.

Gilles Babinet says that, in the 20th century, the advent of computers in 80-90 years causes the transition to the digital age, the third industrial revolution. The computer starts at the beginning of the 40s, with the radar and after the transistor in the 50s. But the revolution is actually happening 60 years later, in the 2000s, when every employee has a computer and a smartphone to communicate with his business. Again, all means of production are affected: there are no longer produced well without computers to manage production, to drive robots, to compute the accounts of the company or to boost innovation of them. No sector is spared: producing agricultural crops through computers (in tractors, for the weather forecast, for the accounts …) or producing goods through computers (to control robots, to communicate between people a company, to communicate by producing adverts…). Innovation, exponential, through simulation that allows the digital age, is totally boost by the third industrial revolution; This is why we hear so much of it after this revolution.

All sectors, all company departments, all people are affected. Gilles Babinet is exciting; these analyzes are very interesting. Summarizing the situation, we can estimate that currently there is an industrial revolution emerging each century. And it takes time between the emergence of the new revolution and its application in the industry at every level of the company.

It is interesting to imagine what could be the next industrial revolution. I have my idea about it … I think things will start to emerge within 30 years; and it will take 30 years for the fourth industrial revolution take shape. Until then enjoy the 3rd, transform our businesses to make maximum use of capacity through permissent this 3rd revolution and trying to anticipate the 4th.

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About olivierlehe

Passion for Innovations

6 responses to “The third industrial revolution and the digital age”

  1. Noble Thoughts says :

    I could agree no more with you:)
    Nice statistics in place.Look forward to read more interesting posts from you.

  2. Noble Thoughts says :

    Reblogged this on Noble Thoughts and commented:
    Its so very true.We definitely are heading for another revolution coming up in couple of decades which is going to totally change we live and do things in this world.

  3. jazzyjfr2 says :

    Very good blog post! 🙂 What is your idea of what the fourth industrial revolution is going to be?

    • olivierlehe says :

      Dear Jennifer, very difficult question is to predict what could cause the fourth industrial revolution …
      My main idea tends to technologies for the evolution of humanity itself! Could we then speak of post-humanity? Hard to say …
      This technology is currently associated with infancy research on nano-technologies applied to humanity (significantly improving its performance) and industry (probably nanorobots and nano-computers all running in a global earth neural network), the artificial consciousness that would allow humanity for the first time in its history to create a new awareness (even artificial) …
      All that remains for the moment science fiction, but if we look in 30 years, this could be a reality that will change the situation of labor, industry and of all the humanity itself.
      I would write so maybe an article in 2064 about “the fourth industrial revolution and the age of post-humanity” … at the end of my life if I could reach 90 years old!

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